What is eWBLearning?
eWBLearning is a 30-months project (October 2018 – March 2021) funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme.
The project involved the collaboration of Associazione Nazionale Presidi (coordinator – Italy), Associazione Euphoria (Italy), Fetico (Spain), Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (Greece), Provincial Education in Flanders (Belgium), the Bulgarian Development Agency (Bulgaria) and the Cork Institute of Technology (Ireland).
The partnership has developed e-learning to support teachers and trainers involved in organizing work-based learning activities at various levels, either at school or in their organizations.
The objective of this e-learning is to offer a training course for schools all over Europe to become more “independent” in building quality WBL programmes and have access to open-source.
The e-learning plaform
This website hosts an e-learning platform specifically created for teachers, trainers, headmasters and mentors in both school and work-based settings to provide lessons in view of their continuous professional development.
The training course provides activities and lessons in order to facilitate the entrepreneurial mindset of teachers, promote the students’ job orientation, develop their soft skills necessary in the world of work and facilitate the transitions between education/training and the labour market.
The e-learning is composed of an introductory module on the state of play of the work-based learning in Europe and in the countries involved in the project and 5 modules:
- Module 1 – gives an idea how reading statistics can help the teachers to help their students towards the labour market
- Module 2 – Main process of business work and entrepreneurial mindset;
- Module 3 – Job security and safety
- Module 4 – Coaching and mentoring techniques
- Module 5 Soft skills.
The training course includes other sections with additional readings, videos and a Teacher Corner with some best practices of the teachers working at the partner organizations and dealing on a daily basis with work-based learning activities or with traineeships.